Link Strikes Back

Made as somewhat of a tribute to the late, great Zelda cartoon of the 1980s, Link Strikes Back was created with The Movies movie maker. Derived from the hastily titled The Master Sword, Link Strikes Back is the first of a planned series of ill advised Zelda inspired movie shorts. Interesting fact: More time was probably spent on locating the fairy song sound effect than was actually spent into creating the entire movie.

Press play button to view movie, or alternatively download it here (4.6mb).

What they say about 'Link Strikes Back':

"Great." ~The Missing Link

"That made me laugh so much! My friend next to me watched it as well, and he had a good laugh too!" ~Princess Rhea

"Genius." ~Janus

"I nearly died laughing!" ~Firehawk

"Freaking AWESOME!! I loved every bit of it." ~Darth Link

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