Brotherhood of the Underworld

Image Loading... Welcome to the Star Wars Villains Directory. A truly diverse universe created by George Lucas, it is surely home to some of the most powerful and sinister villains ever known to man.
Image Loading... Boba Fett
Appearances: Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi and Attack of the Clones
Occupation: Bounty Hunter
Henchmen: None.
Style:Efficient and deadly.
Special abilities:Good with a gun.
Finest hour: Collecting the bounty for Han Solo. Twice.
Darkest Deed: Watching as Darth Vader tortures Solo.
Quote:Boba Fett: "He's no good to me dead."

Boba Fett was the son of legendary bounty hunter Jango Fett, one of the last of the Mandalorians, a clan of warriors thought to be among the best fighters in the Galaxy. He first appeared the in Star Wars universe in The Empire Strikes Back, in which his name is not actually heard in the dialogue. He is one of many bounty hunters employed by Darth Vader to track down Han Solo and the crew of the Millennium Falcon, but Fett is the only hunter to notice the Falcon eluding Imperial pursuit by hiding among garbage, and then tracks the ship to Cloud City on Bespin. Fett stays at Vader's side as the Dark Lord tortures Han Solo in an attempt to draw Luke Skywalker into a trap. In addition to the reward for Solo's capture from the Empire, Vader allows Boba Fett to take Han Solo, frozen in carbonite, back to Jabba to receive an additional reward, claiming two bounties on the same man. Not a man of many words Fett's dialogue in the entire original trilogy, consists of the four lines "As you wish", "He's no good to me dead", "What if he doesn't survive? He's worth a lot to me" and "Put Captain Solo in the cargo hold."

Boba Fett’s demise came in Return of the Jedi. Whilst trying to stop Luke Skywalkers attempt to escape the Pit of Carkoon, the dwelling of the ghastly Sarlaac, Han Solo activates Fett's jet pack, rocketing him against the sail barge. The jet pack deactivates on impact, and Fett falls into the waiting maw of the Sarlacc. Not a nice way to go by any means.

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The Boba Fett Fan Club
Image Loading... Darth Maul
Appearances: Star Wars: The Phantom Menace
Occupation: Sith Assassin
Henchmen: None.
Style: Whirling Dervish.
Special abilities: Force powers, light saber skill, great mechanic.
Finest hour: Killing Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn
Darkest Deed: Trying to kill his own master.
Quote: Darth Maul:"Fear. Fear attracts the fearful. The strong. The weak. The innocent. The corrupt. Fear. Fear is my ally."

A Zabrak born circa 57 BBY in Iridonia, Darth Maul was kidnapped as an infant by Darth Sidious. With no memories of his homeworld or family, he was indoctrinated in the ways of the dark side of the Force from youth, which resulted in Maul possessing no emotion except bloodlust and rage. During his training, any show of fear was severely punished by Sidious, and any hint of mercy was rewarded with cruelty. By the time Maul was an adolescent, his master had already forged him into a weapon of pure hatred.

Maul was skilled with the lightsaber, trained by Sidious to be a master of Form VII, which draws on emotions and the dark side. Unlike the traditional dueling techniques of most Jedi, Maul combined his swordsmanship with incredible acrobatic and martial arts and hand-to-hand combat skills, making him a nearly unstoppable dervish of destruction. When fighting multiple opponents, Maul extended the second blade of his double-bladed lightsaber to form a saberstaff, doubling his lethality. Maul often used this to catch opponents by surprise, as few were prepared for the extra blade. Maul had based his lightsaber design upon Exar Kun's. Maul was a master of the fighting style teräs käsi, and was also skilled in the Jar'Kai style of wielding a lightsaber in each hand.

After proving himself to Sidious by nearly killing him, Maul was sent on countless missions of terror for his master, killing politicians, crime bosses, merchants, and warlords. Maul's very appearance had been carefully conceived to put fear into the heart of the Sith's enemies and unwitting allies. He was an enforcer of Sidious' will, sent to keep control over Sidious's other servants, and killed any who would dare resist his master.

During the events of Episode I: the Phantom Menace, Maul was sent to capture Queen Amidala, and eliminate the Jedi who had been dispatched by the Galactic Republic to settle the conflict. Maul barely failed in this task on Tatooine, and he thirsted for revenge. Fighting Sand People and Togorian pirates put a drain on him by the time he left Tatooine. In a vicious duel during the Battle of Naboo, Maul succeeded in slaying Jedi Master Qui-Gon Jinn, one of the best swordfighters in the galaxy. However, overconfidence _ a common personality trait among the Zabrak race _ with a bit of pure bad luck led to Maul's immediate downfall when he was sliced in half by Jinn's apprentice, the young Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi.

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Darth Maul fanpage
Image Loading... Darth Malak
Appearances: SW: Knights of the Old Republic
Occupation: Dark Lord of the Sith
Henchmen: Darth Bandon, the Sith.
Style: Jaw dropping.
Special abilities: Force Lightning, Life Drain and Stasis.
Finest hour: Usurping Darth Revan and taking the title of Dark Lord of the Sith for himself.
Darkest Deed: Blowing up the planet of Taris.
Quote: Darth Malak:"Wipe this pathetic planet from the face of the galaxy."

Darth Malak was at one time thought to be among the most gifted and respected Jedi in his Order, and had a lifelong friend in the Jedi, Revan. However, after the two of them rebelled against the Jedi council, in order to fight the Mandolorians, both Revan and Malak became corrupted, and fell to the Dark Side. Second in command to Dark Lord Revan, Malak betrayed his master during a Republic assault on Revan’s flagship. In an attempt to slay the powerful Jedi, Bastilla Shan, who led the assault and the master he knew he could not defeat, Malak ordered his ship's guns to fire on Revan's ship. Malak believed that Revan was dead and assumed the command of the Sith Empire, at last taking the mantle of Dark Lord for his own.

Revan did not die however, and after escaping the clutches of the Jedi, Revan returned to teach his apprentice his final lesson. As Malak lay dying, his mortal wounds dealt to him by his former best friend, he acknowledged that, despite his clever plans and conquests, nothing he had ever done or could ever do could compare to the things done by his former master. His dying words were perhaps the truest he had ever spoken: "And in the end, as the darkness takes me, I am nothing."

Pale as a ghost and decorated with prominent sith tattoos, Malak had a horrific lightsaber injury that had completely severed his lower jaw, some say inflicted by Revan himself before Malak turned on him. Due to this injury, he wore a large durasteel plate that covered his face from below the nose down that may have concealed a form of cybernetic life-support. He was a master swordsman and an adept Force-user, excelling particularly in such dark side skills as Force lightning, Life Drain, and Stasis.

Like many Sith Lords before and after him, Malak's name could be derived from real languages - Mala is Latin for "jawbone." Similarly, the word mal is Spanish for "bad," possibly in reference to Malak's fall to the dark side of the Force.

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Image Loading... Darth Nihilus
Appearances: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2
Occupation:Sith Lord
Henchmen: Visas Marr, the Sith.
Special abilities:He feeds off the Force.
Finest hour:
Despatching his Sith Master, Darth Traya. Darkest Deed: Destroying Katarr, and much of the Jedi Order along with it.
Quote: Visas:"You are the darkness in which all life dies, milord."

A shadowy figure, whose species is unknown, Nihilus is only ever seen wearing a red and white ghost mask and dressed in a black, hooded cloak. He is never heard to utter a clear word, instead only emitting a pattern of guttural noises. Nihilus's pattern of speech is similar to the sounds that the ancient Sith Holocrons made in the library on Telos, which leads to the possibility that Nihilus may in fact be a true Sith. Thought to be a survivor of the Mandolorian War, little is really known of Nihilus’s true beginnings. Recognised by Darth Traya as force sensitive, she made him her apprentice, and taught him the ways of the Sith.

True to the nature of the Sith, Nihilus eventually turned on his mistress, along with fellow student Darth Sion. They cast her down, stripped her of her power, and exiled her from the Sith Order. Nihilus’s next move was to destroy the Force-sensitive planet of Katarr, which annihilated much of the Jedi Order along with it.

Darth Nihilus ravaged and consumed whole worlds to feed his insatiable appetite for power. Nihilus's powers were so all-consuming that all those who came into contact with him became his slaves, mindless servants to his will. However, one servant, Visas Marr, eventually broke her Master’s bonds, thanks in part to Revan, who Nihilus sent her to find and bring before him. Along with Visas and Mandolore, Revan defeated him aboard the bridge of his ship, the Ravager. After his death, his body dissolved in an aura of dark side energies, but before his death, Visas removes his mask. Being able to see the world solely through the Force, Visas says when she looks upon him that she sees a thousand graveyard planets and an eternity of hate and hunger.

What happened to Nihilus after his body dissolved is unknown. Whether he is truly gone shall remain a mystery.

Like most of the Sith Lords, Darth Nihilus's name has some meaning (nihil is Latin for nothing). He has no loyalties to anyone but himself, and will consume both Sith and Jedi with his hunger.

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Image Loading... Darth Revan
Appearances: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
Occupation: Dark Lord of the Sith
Henchmen: Darth Malak, Bastilla Shan, the Sith.
Style:Amnesiac genius.
Special abilities:Where to start?
Finest hour:
Resuming his place as Dark Lord of the Sith after defeating Darth Malak. Darkest Deed:Forcing the Wookie Zalbaar to kill his best friend, Mission Vao.
Quote: Darth Malak:"Savior, conqueror, hero, villian. You are all of these things, Revan... and yet you are nothing. In the end, you belong to neither the light nor the darkness. You will forever stand alone."

Nearly 4,000 years before the events of Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope, a warrior race known as the Mandalorians began raiding worlds on the edge of the galaxy. The Jedi Order insisted on staying out of the war, feeling that the true threat had not yet revealed itself. Many younger Jedi were unwilling to wait as the Mandalorians assaulted planet after planet, and so Revan, already respected and admired in the Jedi Order, and his friend Malak organized a force of rebellious Jedi Knights to assist the Republic in defeating the Mandalorians. Many Jedi felt inspired by the charismatic Revan, and so they joined him. Revan proved to be not only one of the most powerful Jedi in history, but also a master tactician. He was willing to sacrifice entire planets so as to make the most important ones impenetrable. And despite taking massive casualties (sometimes as many as ten Republic soldiers for every Mandalorian), Revan was consistently able to outmanoeuvre and overwhelm the enemy both in space and on the ground.

The final battle of the war took place at Malachor V. Revan sent his least loyal troops to lure the remnants of the Mandalorian fleet there, where a mass shadow generator had been placed. The general overseeing its use was the Jedi Exile, who gave the order to activate it. The result nearly destroyed the planet. Few on either side survived. Around the conclusion of the Mandalorian Wars, Revan fought Mandalore (the Mandalorian leader) in a grueling battle. Revan won, killing Mandalore, and thus struck a crippling blow to the Mandalorian war effort.

At Malachor V, Revan discovered the Trayus Academy, where he was corrupted by the teachings of the Sith. The planet itself was an ancient storehouse of the Sith; steeped in a darkness so great that it almost destroyed Revan. He was able to survive this darkness only by giving into the dark side of the Force. Taking the mantle of Dark Lord of the Sith, he began to corrupt other Jedi easily.

After his corruption, Revan took ships beyond the known galaxy in search of an ancient artifact, a megastructure known as the Star Forge, a massive space station with the ability to produce an almost limitless number of ships. Revan and Malak, now beholden to the dark side, created a massive fleet to destroy the Old Republic and the Jedi, reforming the ex-Republic forces who followed them into a militaristic empire.

The reinvigorated Sith won battle after battle, until a young Jedi named Bastila Shan entered the fray with her Battle Meditation. This rare and powerful Force ability increased the combat effectiveness of the Old Republic's forces and sapped the will of enemy combatants. In a desperate attempt to end the war, the Old Republic set a trap for Revan and Malak, during which Bastila and a team of Jedi boarded Revan's flagship and managed to corner the Dark Lord on the bridge. Thought by many to be the most powerful Sith Lord of all time, it is likely that Revan would have defeated Bastila and the remnants of her Jedi strike force. However, Malak, likely knowing he could not defeat Revan in personal combat, took this opportunity to kill both Revan and Bastila with one swift stroke. He fired upon the flagship from a nearby battle cruiser, but was successful in killing neither his master nor Bastila. Revan, nearly dead, was captured by the Jedi. His mind was reprogrammed by the Jedi Council to hide the Dark Lord's old identity, while enabling the Jedi to use Revan's subconscious memories to locate the Star Forge and destroy it.

However, the Jedi’s manipulation did not last. Although Revan went along with the Jedi’s plans for a time, he was eventually turned back to the Dark Side, by none other than Bastila Shan, who had been kidnapped and tortured by Dark Lord Malak until she gave into her hate and became a Sith apprentice.

Together, Revan and Bastila struck down the Jedi Jolee Bindo and Juhani, the stain of their blood symbolized Revan's return to power. Returning to his starship, the Ebon Hawk, Revan explained the absence of Jolee and Juhani to his stunned party. Shocked by his return to the dark side, Carth Onasi fled, leaving Mission Vao to be mercilessly struck down by Mission’s best friend, Zaalbar, who was mind-dominated by Revan into doing so.

Flying to the Star Forge, Bastila used her Battle Meditation to thwart the Old Republic fleet, allowing Revan to penetrate the depths of the Star Forge to fight with Darth Malak. Ruthlessly striking Malak down, Revan regained his rightful place as Dark Lord of the Sith.

Using the resources he now commanded as Master of the Star Forge, Revan created an infinite fleet that rolled forth to crush the Old Republic. Surprisingly, however, Revan soon halted his offensive. It was noted as odd that Revan deliberately avoided striking the Republic's manufacturing facilities in his previous war, and again that he seemingly ended the Star Forge's production of vessels early. Bastila Shan, in a holocron discovered on Korriban, reported that Revan mysteriously vanished one day and told her to wait for him. Without its strong leader, the Forge atrophied and was destroyed. It is assumed that Darth Revan visited all his former strongholds searching for something that is not yet readily apparent. It is known, however, that he headed for the Unknown Regions with the intent of stopping something menacingly powerful, something that was apparently responsible for initially coercing the Mandalorians to invade. Revan's former master, Kreia, suggests that Revan was searching for the original Sith Empire.

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Image Loading... Darth Sion
Appearances: Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2
Occupation:Sith Lord
Henchmen: The Sith.
Style:Death Defying
Special abilities:Specialises in pain.
Finest hour:Turning on his Sith Mistress, Darth Traya
Darkest Deed:Killing scores of Jedi.
Quote: Sion:"The failure is yours! No longer do your whispers crawl within my skull! No longer do I suffer beneath teachings that weaken us! And now you run in search of the Jedi. They are all dead, save one. And one broken Jedi cannot stop the darkness that is to come."

"His flesh is cracked and scarred, and I'm registering several thousand fractures in his skeleton, as if each bone was splintered repeatedly, and then put back together. Judging from the scar tissue, these wounds took place before his death. If so, he must have been in constant pain." - Harbinger medical officer

Darth Sion, apprentice and betrayer of his mistress Darth Traya, was a uniquely powerful individual, having learned the ways of pain in the Trayus Academy on Malachor. Torturing and killing others enhanced his strength in the Force, and his ability to feed on his own pain and hatred made him immortal. A master with a lightsaber and perhaps the most infamous Sith Assassin of the era, Sion is known to be responsible for the death of countless Jedi during the shadow war waged by himself and Lord Nihilus.

Sion sought not only the destruction of all Jedi, but he also hated his former master Darth Traya, and hoped to destroy everything that she held dear. In 3,951 BBY, he was defeated by the Exile who had served Darth Revan during the Mandalorian Wars in the Trayus Core, the heart of the Trayus Academy on the ancient Sith world of Malachor V.

Interestingly enough, because of Sion's awesome command of his own pain, saber skills, and preternatural ability to survive through the dark side, the Exile was unable to defeat him hand to hand. Instead, the Exile was forced to use his powers of persuasion to turn Sion against his own beliefs, by eroding his will and convincing him that Darth Traya had no more use for him, and that by giving up the Force he would finally be free from the horrible pain and hatred which he endured. Sion gave in to the Exile's influence, sacrificing his own life to the Force in the heart of the Trayus Academy.

Like most other Sith Lords whose names begin with Darth, Sion's name suggests another word: scion, meaning heir. In this case, heir to his master, Traya, and the legacy of the Sith.

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Image Loading... Darth Traya
Appearances:Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2
Occupation:Jedi Master/Sith Lord(lady?)
Henchmen: Darth Sion, Darth Nihilus, the Exile.
Style:Master Manipulator
Special abilities:Mind Control.
Finest hour: Using the Exile to destroy her enemies.
Darkest Deed:Attempting to destroy the Force.
Quote: Traya:"There is a place in the galaxy where the dark side of the Force runs strong. It is something of the Sith, but it was fueled by war. It corrupts all that walks on its surface, drowns them in the power of the dark side - it corrupts all life. And it feeds on death."

Darth Traya was the former Jedi Master Kreia, and was the first tutor of Revan, who eventually went on to become one of the most powerful Sith Lords in the galaxy’s history. After Revan’s fall, Kreia was exiled from the Jedi order, as it was perceived that it was her failure as a teacher that led to Revan’s fall. Thus she became Darth Traya, and among her students were Darth Nihilus and Darth Sion.

However, even when as a Sith, Traya had some notion that neither the light nor dark side of the Force was truly superior to the other. Because her teachings incorporated light side concepts (she never believed in power or destruction for its own sake), Sion and Nihilus grew weary of her. They betrayed her, stripped her of power, and exiled her. She described her fall from power thus:

"There are dark places in the galaxy, where few tread. Ancient centres of learning, of knowledge. But I did not walk alone. To be united by hatred is a fragile alliance at best. But my word was not law. There were disagreements, ambition . . . and hunger for power. There are techniques within the Force against which is no defence. I was cast down, stripped of my power, exiled. I suffered indignities, and fell into darkness."

Darth Traya would refine her views while wandering the galaxy; at some point she would fall into a heresy the most degenerate Sith never entertained- she came to view the Force as an uncaring, insidious god that uses the lives of sentients as pawns in a cosmic game of balance. She noted the tremendous loss of life throughout history, and far into the future, during the many battles between the Jedi and the Sith, but Darth Traya blamed neither the Jedi nor the Sith but rather the very thing they both drew upon and were practically defined by- the Force. She was, however, angry at both the Jedi and the Sith for being too absorbed and "caught up in the game" to realize how the Force was manipulating them all. Exiled from the Jedi Order after the blame for her Padawan becoming Darth Revan devolved upon her, and later exiled and stripped of her authority and position by her impatient Sith students Darth Nihilus and Darth Sion, Darth Traya experienced betrayals from, and thus saw the flaws of, both the light and dark sides of the Force. These unique experiences left her disillusioned with the Force as a whole and may even have contributed to her becoming one of the greatest Sith Lords of her time apart from Darth Revan.

Her hatred of the Force was her overriding goal for in her mind, due to her conviction that if she did not kill it, even more would die in the future. She attempted to manipulate the Exile, a Jedi who had proved life could exist without the force, but ultimately failed in her ambitions, not before, however, tricking both the Jedi and Sith into revealing themselves, allowing her or others to destroy them.

Darth Traya had the ability to wield three or more lightsabers in combat, holding each of them aloft with the Force, and having them fight with a will of their own. This ability is also associated with the ancient Dark Lord of the Sith Exar Kun, and a relationship between the two may be possible.

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Image Loading... Darth Vader
Appearances: A New Hope, Empire Strikes Back, Return of the Jedi, Revenge of the Sith.
Occupation:Dark Lord of the Sith
Henchmen:Boba Fett, The Sith.
Style:Asthmatic Horror.
Special abilities:Force choke.
Finest hour:
Aiding Palpatine in conquering the galaxy. Darkest Deed:Killing scores of force adept children.
Quote:Darth Vader:"I find your lack of faith disturbing."

Darth Vader is the epitome of pure evil - a man who holds the entire galaxy under the boot of an evil Empire; and in doing so, dispassionately commits torture, oversees the destruction of an entire planet, and murders even his own officers. Darth Vader is widely considered to be one of the most iconic movie villains of all time. Darth Vader was born "Anakin Skywalker" and is the father of twins Luke Skywalker and Leia Organa. He is given the name "Darth Vader" in 19 BBY.

Anakin Skywalker was believed by many, notably Obi-Wan Kenobi and Qui-Gon Jinn, to be the prophesied Chosen One, destined to bring balance to the Force by destroying the Sith, according to Jedi Master Mace Windu. He is taken as a young boy and trained as a Jedi, and became a legendary figure during the Clone Wars. However, Anakin's arrogance and emotional insecurities eventually turned him to the dark side of the Force, transforming him into Darth Vader.

Darth Vader is a brilliant strategist and one of the greatest pilots in the galaxy. Vader still possesses his former persona's amazing engineering skills, having overseen the design of the TIE/Advanced fighter. His talent with the lightsaber is legendary. All of these skills, however, are secondary to his incredible mastery of the Force. He is born with the greatest known midi-chlorian count (a measure of Force-aptitude) in the galaxy, surpassing that of both Yoda and the Emperor.

Within the Empire, Vader is viewed as a cruel and frightening figure, frequently utilising his ability to choke people using the Force. However, Vader's aggressive instincts are somewhat restrained with orders to serve under Grand Moff Tarkin for that time: when Admiral Motti challenges Vader's "sad devotion" to the Force, Tarkin does not allow Vader to choke Motti to death, only long enough to make his point. The death of Tarkin aboard the Death Star removes any apparent check on Vader's power, and Imperial officers universally react with fear and dread at Vader's presence. This fear is not unwarranted, as both Admiral Ozzel and Captain Needa die by Vader's hand.

Aboard the Death Star, the Emperor tells Luke that the rebel attack on the Death Star at Endor is a trap he had set to destroy the Rebellion once and for all. Luke resists the temptation to anger with the patience of a Jedi, but ultimately attempts to attack the Emperor. Vader draws his weapon to protect his master, engaging Luke in a lightsaber battle.

Eventually, however, Luke decides to hide instead of fight, not wanting to destroy his father. Vader uses the Force to discover that Leia is Luke's sister, and thus his own daughter, and threatens to turn her to the dark side if he should fail with Luke. Realizing the threat to his sister, Luke's rage is finally unleashed, and he attacks his father, driving him back with a whirlwind of blows. Vader collapses on a causeway, allowing Luke to finally sever his right hand.

Luke's fury is suddenly cut short _ as he stares at his own cybernetic hand, he realizes with a visceral horror that he has done the same thing that Vader once did to him and has already begun transforming into Vader's successor. As the Emperor approaches, encouraging Luke to finish Vader and take his place, Luke throws down his lightsaber, refusing to perform the killing blow.

Enraged, the Emperor uses Force lightning to attack Luke. Luke writhes in agony under the Emperor's torture, begging his father for help. Unable to bear the sight of his son's torture, Vader turns on his master and saves his son by throwing Palpatine into a deep shaft where he explodes in a fury of dark energies. In the process, however, he is mortally wounded by the Emperor's lightning.

With Palpatine dead, the Sith Lord’s grip on the galaxy was destroyed. And so, Mace Windu’s assertion that Vader would bring balance to the force was realised. Vader ultimately proved himself as one of the galaxy’s greatest villains, but also, one of its greatest saviours. Which, obviously, BotU could never approve of.

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Image Loading... Count Dooku/Darth Tyranus
Appearances: The Clone Wars, Revenge of the Sith.
Occupation: Sith Lord
Henchmen: General Grievous, the Sith.
Style:Elegant and charismatic.
Special abilities: Mastery of the Form II lightsaber art, various Force Powers.
Finest hour: Battling it out with former master, Yoda.
Darkest Deed:Starting the Clone Wars.
Quote: Dooku:"Your swords, please, Master Jedi. We don't want to make a mess of things in front of the Chancellor."

Count Dooku was an esteemed Jedi Master, who once served as an apprentice of Yoda, but he is tempted by the power of the dark side by Darth Sidious, Dark Lord of the Sith.

Dooku was an accomplished philosopher, orator, warrior, and Force-adept, regarded as one of the greatest Jedi in the order for his strength of character as much as his strength in the Force. With his deep voice and veneer of elegant charisma, this political idealist and wealthy Count of Serenno displayed elegance, class, and intelligence. Dooku had been a practitioner of the Force for nearly eight decades, and Dooku and his student Qui-Gon Jinn would have surely sat on the Jedi Council if it were not for their maverick views. In addition, Dooku was a master swordsman, specializing in the seldom-used Form II art, due to his beliefs in elegance and gallantry, which makes use of his special curved saber hilt and is known for its efficiency in lightsaber vs. lightsaber combat. This fighting style probably made him able to defeat the skilled Obi-Wan Kenobi and his apprentice, the Chosen One.

Frustrated by the bureaucracy of the Senate and the unwillingness of the Jedi Council to step in during certain events and situations that he felt they should, Dooku turned to the dark side. Further adding fuel to the fire was the death of his former Padawan, Qui-Gon Jinn. Dooku believes that the Jedi caused his death.

Ten years after his fall to the dark side, Count Dooku appeared on Raxus Prime and heavily criticised the Republic and the Jedi Order for their decadence, hypocrisy, and corruption. On the orders of political mastermind Darth Sidious, Dooku publicly called for entire systems to secede from the Republic and join the Separatist movement, culminating in the formation of the Confederacy of Independent Systems. The first meeting of the CIS was hosted on the planet Geonosis, where the Jedi, Obi-Wan Kenobi, was captured by the Geonosians and accused of espionage. Dooku cleverly claimed that he has no power over the decision and with equal cunning, Dooku deflects suspicions of Chancellor Palpatine's plotting by simply telling the truth to Obi-Wan about the conspiracy, which Obi-Wan refuses to believe. There is also speculation that Dooku may in fact have been trying to acquire Obi-Wan as his own apprentice in a personal effort to wrestle power from Sidious, a common occurrence among the Sith.

After a Jedi attack interrupted the Count’s attempts to execute Obi-Wan and Anakin Skywalker, Dooku fled to his secret hangar, only to be followed by the two Jedi he had been trying to kill. After injuring Obi-Wan, he duelled with Anakin, which ended when the Dark Lord severed Anakin's sword arm. Before he could escape, however, Dooku was confronted by one last Jedi—his old mentor, Yoda. After a battle of Force powers, Dooku insists on settling their contest with a lightsaber duel(which is arguably the highlight of the film). Ultimately, the duel goes unfinished as Dooku uses the Force to distract Yoda long enough to make his escape. Count Dooku soon arrived on Coruscant where he met with his Master, Darth Sidious, and informed him that the Republic and the Confederacy of Independent Systems were officially at war.

During the Clone Wars, Dooku took up a few apprentices of his own, though of the non-Sith variety, in Sev'rance Tann, Asajj Ventress, and General Grievous. Of course, even though Dooku's co-conspirators were aware that he is a Sith and serves Darth Sidious, they are unaware that they are mere puppets in a larger scheme. Dooku had Grievous capture Palpatine during of the Battle of Coruscant and Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan, sent by the Jedi, battled the Sith Lord in order to save Palpatine. Dooku had already rendered Kenobi unconscious before being disarmed (literally, as both of his hands are severed) by Anakin. At the Chancellor's urging, Anakin used his lightsaber combined with Dooku's own to decapitate the Count with a crossed-lightsabers, scissor-like strike, killing a shocked Dooku instantly. Dooku realised only moments before his death that Palpatine had allowed him to carry out his plans until he had outlived his usefulness, and that Anakin (as Darth Vader) was to replace him as Palpatine's new apprentice.

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Image Loading... General Grievous
Appearances: Revenge of the Sith
Occupation:Military leader.
Henchmen: Various robots and goons.
Style:Whirling dervish mark II
Special abilities: 6 arms at a time!
Finest hour:
Becoming leader of the CIS Darkest Deed: Killing numerous Jedi.
Quote: Grievous:"Your lightsabers will make a fine addition to my collection."

General Grievous is the leader of the military forces of the Confederacy of Independent Systems and an enemy of the Jedi. Though a member of the Kaleesh species, his physical body is a fusion of a powerful robotic structure and an organic brain, nervous system and sensory organs.

Grievous was known as a Jedi hunter, killing them for sport and collecting their lightsabers to proudly place around his belt as trophies and use them in his battles. The general possessed strategic ingenuity and flawless cunning. He was a commander in the Separatist régime and became their leader upon Count Dooku's death at the hands of Anakin Skywalker.

While on the planet of Utapau, Grievous was ambushed by Kenobi. Faced with another true master of the Force and still weak from his encounter with Windu, Grievous lost two of his arms and fled the battle, despite several close calls on his attempts to cut Kenobi down. Kenobi pursued Grievous as scores of Battle Droids and Clone Troopers clashed around them. The pair engaged in a desperate bout of hand-to-hand combat as Grievous attempted to flee in his personal starfighter. Grievous, being made mostly of hard steel, fared more than well against Kenobi's weak flesh. However, Kenobi was able to expose Grievous' internal organs, since his protective torso was already damaged, and destroyed them with a few well placed blaster bolts, killing him. Unfortunately, General Grievous had finally fallen, and the Republic's victory in the Clone Wars was all but assured.

Unbeknownst to Kenobi, however, the newly-appointed Galactic Emperor Palpatine had instituted Order 66, an Imperial command to all clone troopers to turn on and kill their Jedi generals. The resulting purge ended in the murders of all Jedi, except for Kenobi and Yoda, and Skywalker's transformation into Darth Vader. All of this would not have been possible without Grievous' efforts on behalf of the Separatists, which Palpatine used as an excuse to gradually solidify his power and erase democratic opposition.

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Image Loading... Jabba the Hutt
Appearances: The Phantom Menace, A New Hope, Return of the Jedi.
Occupation:Crime Lord
Henchmen: Various bounty hunters and lackeys.
Style:Fat and repulsive.
Special abilities:None.
Finest hour:Being the top gangster in the Outer Rim.
Darkest Deed: Throwing Luke Skywalker to the Rancour.
Quote: Jabba:"This bounty hunter is my kind of scum: fearless and inventive."

Jabba Desilijic Tiure, or simply Jabba the Hutt, is of the Hutt race and, like most of his species, a gangster. Hutts are a large slug-like race with thick, leathery skin, human-like arms, large amber eyes, and wide mouths. A Hutt may weigh in excess of several tons. They speak Huttese, a language reminiscent of Quechua.

A mobster, Jabba the Hutt was the unsurpassed top dog of crime in the Outer Rim Territories. Overseeing his business out of Tatooine, Jabba had interest in a number of profitable and illegal schemes -- slavery, gunrunning, spice-smuggling, extortion and more.

Jabba's dark hedonism was well-known. He entertained himself by tormenting, humiliating, and killing his followers. He kept slave girls shackled to him for his entertainment. When bored, Jabba would lethally dismiss his cherished chattels via a trap door.

However, Jabba’s penchant for shackling slave girls proved to be his downfall after Princess Leia, whom Jabba had captured, strangled the Hutt with the chains he had put her in.

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Image Loading... Emperor Palpatine/Darth Sidious
Appearances: Episodes I-VI
Occupation:Emperor of the Galactic Empire and Dark Lord of the Sith.
Henchmen:Darth Maul, Count Dooku, Darth Vader.
Style:Evil Mastermind
Special abilities:Force Lightning, luring Jedi to the Dark Side.
Finest hour:Becoming Emperor of the Galaxy
Darkest Deed:Turning Anakin Skywalker to the Dark Side.
Quote: Emperor Palpatine:"The Dark Side of the Force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be 'unnatural'."

Once an ambitious Senator in the Galactic Senate, the blockade of his homeworld, Naboo, saw Palpatine become Supreme Chancellor of the Galactic Republic. He led the Republic during the Clone Wars, later declaring himself Galactic Emperor. Ultimately, Palpatine was revealed to be Darth Sidious, considered to be the most powerful and cunning Sith Lord in the galaxy's history, and was master to some of its most wicked villains.

While it is unknown when he first turned to the dark side of the Force, it is known that his Sith Master was Darth Plagueis. Plagueis reputedly was capable of manipulating midi-chlorians to create life and avert death. Sidious murdered his master in his sleep, but not before he claimed he had learned Plagueis' power. A self-proclaimed savior, Darth Sidious would go on to accomplish (for a time) the ultimate goals of his shadowy order: the (almost) complete destruction of the Jedi Order and the domination of the galaxy.

”The pure exercise of power is what he's all about. That's the only thing he's interested in and the only thing that can satisfy him _ which makes him completely fascinating to play, because it is an evil soul. He is more evil than the devil. At least Satan fell - he has a history, and it's one of revenge." ~ Ian McDiarmid

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